Web testing

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Web testing is the name given to software testing that focuses on web applications, and is one of the fastest growing areas of software testing.[citation needed]

Complete web testing of a system before going live is the primary step to get assured of an entire web application’s ability to work properly. It can help address such issues like readiness of your web server for the traffic you are expecting and for the increasing number of users (Load testing), the ability to survive a massive spike in user traffic, your server hardware sufficiency and so on. After performing web tests you’ll be able to find bottlenecks in your systems before they happen in a production environment.[citation needed]

Neglecting performance problems can lead not only to poor end-user experience, but even application crashes. Many bugs won't be discovered by testing the system as a single user during the development process, and can only be found when the system is placed under load.[citation needed]

Web Security Testing

Web security testing tells us whether Web based applications requirements are met when they are subjected to malicious input data.[1]

Open Source Web Application Testing Tools

Windows based Web Application Testing Tools

Testing the User Interface of Web applications

Some frameworks give a toolbox for testing Web applications. Consult the table of comparison of Web Testing tools


  1. Hope, Paco; Walther, Ben (2008), Web Security Testing Cookbook, O'Reilly Media, Inc., ISBN 978-0-596-51483-9 

Further reading

  • Hung Nguyen, Robert Johnson, Michael Hackett: Testing Applications on the Web (2nd Edition): Test Planning for Mobile and Internet-Based Systems ISBN 0-471-20100-6
  • James A. Whittaker: How to Break Web Software: Functional and Security Testing of Web Applications and Web Services, Addison-Wesley Professional, February 2, 2006. ISBN 0-321-36944-0
  • Lydia Ash: The Web Testing Companion: The Insider's Guide to Efficient and Effective Tests, Wiley, May 2, 2003. ISBN 0471430218
  • S. Sampath, R. Bryce, Gokulanand Viswanath, Vani Kandimalla, A. Gunes Koru. Prioritizing User-Session-Based Test Cases for Web Applications Testing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST), Lillehammer, Norway, April 2008.
  • “An Empirical Approach to Testing Web Applications Across Diverse Client Platform Configurations” by Cyntrica Eaton and Atif M. Memon. International Journal on Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), Special Issue on Empirical Studies in Web Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, 2007, pp. 227-253, Inderscience Publishers.

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