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Ultimate++[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] is a C++ cross-platform development framework which aims to reduce the code complexity of typical desktop applications by extensively exploiting C++ features.


Hello World

The following example creates a U++ application with "Hello world!" button:

#include <CtrlLib/CtrlLib.h>

using namespace Upp;

class MyApp : public TopWindow {
	Button button;

	void Click() {
		if(PromptYesNo("Button was clicked. Do you want to quit?"))

	typedef MyApp CLASSNAME;

	MyApp() {
		Title("Hello world");
		button.SetLabel("Hello world!");
		button <<= THISBACK(Click);
		Add(button.HSizePos(100, 100).VSizePos(100, 100));



  • it doesn't use the Standard Template Library (STL)
  • NTL template system semantics are difficult to understand at first since assignment operator in reality gets overloaded to perform a move [11]operation and not a copy. This is done for performance reasons and to overcome some STL limitations, but new C++0x standard should enable even STL users to perform move operations with classes by introducing the operator &&.
  • since many C++ operators are overloaded to perform common tasks such as assigning callbacks, understanding the code can be a difficult at first
  • there are no layouts handlers for widgets, although Ultimate++ has a system of logic coordinates to maintain relative coordinates of objects when resizing windows. Having three buttons properly aligned and resized on a row without layout managers still remains difficult, though.
  • Ultimate++ IDE support for languages other than C++ is very limited. It provides some syntax coloring for SQL and little else.

Software built on Ultimate++

See also


  1. ultimatepp.org, Ultimate++ site.
  2. http://www.programmez.com/magazine_articles.php?id_article=981 Programmez! issue 104
  3. http://www.programmez.com/magazine_articles.php?id_article=1150 Programmez! issue 114
  4. Gouvernelle, Vincent (2009). C++: L'essentiel du code et des commandes. Pearson Education France. ISBN 2744022810. 
  5. http://sdjournal.org/magazine/article/8 Software Developers Journal, issue 2005-11
  6. Getting started with Ultimate++ CodeProject article
  7. Widget toolkit comparison page
  8. U++ Overview
  9. Chameleon examples
  10. Guide to Ultimate++ containers
  11. Pick transfer semantics

Template:Integrated development environments for C and C++

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