The Sputnik Wiki is a lightweight, cross-platform example of the wiki software application type. It is written in Lua and runs over multiple web servers (Apache/CGI and Kepler/Xavante). A basic Sputnik wiki runs in about 2000 LOC complete. The product's extensibility and configurability allows it to be morphed into other types of webapps, such as a photo album, bug tracker (in 120 lines of code), blog, or calendar.
Differentiating features (among Wikis) include:
- A Sputnik/Kepler installation uses 1Mb.[1]
- No-compile installation
- Sputnik ships with the webapp stack included.
- Lua installation not required
- root/Administrator not required
The Webapp architecture stacks up like this:
The Sputnik team grants use of the product under an Open Source MIT-styled (attribution) license.
External links
Wikis |
| Types | | | Components | | | Lists | | | Comparisons | | | See also | |
Template:Lua programming language
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