QPHP Framework

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QPHP Framework
Stable release 0.9 / December 28, 2007; 527888658 ago
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Web application framework
License MIT license
Website http://qphp.net/

QPHP Framework is an ASP.NET like, open source, object-oriented web application framework created to facilitate the development of PHP4 / PHP5 based websites. It is event driven, component based, AJAX compatible. QPHP Framework is published under the permissive MIT License.


QPHP started as a small subproject to help build the back-end module of an existing website in the early days of 2005. Later it served as platform for creation of websites, web based content management systems and administration modules. At the end of 2007 it became publicly available as separate framework with well written documentation and plenty of examples.



  • There is a predefined directory structure that allows you to place all HTTP visible resources in public folder and all sensitive resources in protected folder
  • When transferred between pages the data could be easily encrypted
  • Form re-submit can be easily prevented or caught and handled
  • SQL injection safe

Data validation

There is a simple class that provides many predefined methods for data validation. It can assure that a text field is integer, date, money, round number, min/max characters string, phone, etc.



QPHP is supposed to work on any Linux/Windows machine running web server that serves PHP 4.3+ pages. It is fully tested in these environments:

  • Win XP SP2, Apache 1.3.31, PHP 4.3.3
  • FreeBSD 6.2, Apache 2.2.6, PHP 5.2.5


The framework components are well tested using the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 6, 7
  • Firefox 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
  • Mozilla 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
  • Opera 7.50, 8.0, 8.50, 9.0, 9.20
  • Safari 3.0.4
  • Avant Browser 10.2, 11.5
  • Maxthon 1.5, 1.6, 2.0
  • SeaMonkey 1.1.7

See also

External links

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