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PushToTest TestMaker is a free open source test automation and Application_performance_management software. The software encourages a methodology where software developers, QA testers, and IT managers work together to improve Web, Service Oriented Architecture, Rich Internet Application, and Business Process Management service quality.

The software is intended to test, monitor, and automate web services for reliability, performance, functionality, and scalability. PushToTest is targeted at software architects, developers, quality assurance testers, and information technology managers. PushToTest is a framework that can be extended to handle new protocols, message formats, encoding styles, and test operations. It also features a distributed architecture where tests scale vertically and horizontally.


The company was founded by Frank Cohen in 2001 [1]. The company has offices in Campbell, California, Washington D.C., Austin Texas, San Jose, Costa Rica, and London, UK. Currently the software has 205,000 users.

Feature list

  • Wizards and recorders to automatically build tests
  • Network monitoring tool to allow tests of web applications
  • Automatically turning functional tests into load tests, scalability and performance tests, regression tests, and service monitors
  • Support of the following languages:
  • Support of SOA, Web Service, AJAX, and REST services using HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, XML-RPC, and the email protocols [2]


External links

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