Pete Becker

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Pete Becker is one of the world's foremost C++ experts. He is known primarily for his book, The C++ Standard Library Extensions: A Tutorial and Reference, and his involvement in the C++ standardization process.


Becker worked for eight years at Borland International as a quality assurance engineer and manager, library implementor, and development manager. From 1997 to 2005 he was employed at Dinkumware, working on the source code and documentation of their C++ Standard Library and C Standard Library implementations.

C++ Standards Committee

Becker has been a member of the ISO/IEC (JTC1/SC22/WG21) C++ Standards committee since its inception in 1991. His work includes a proposal for standard support of dynamic libraries in C++.[1] He is currently the Project Editor. His tasks include maintaining the working draft of the constantly evolving C++ standards document for the upcoming C++ standard, colloquially referred to as C++0x.


Becker has written several columns and articles, focusing primarily on C++. From 1995 to 2001, Becker was a regular columnist for C/C++ Users Journal. From 2005 to 2006 he wrote a monthly column entitled "The New C++ Not-So-Standard Library", focusing on various aspects of the C++ TR1 library extensions. After C/C++ Users Journal merged with Dr Dobbs Journal, Becker's column reappeared as "The New C++", now focusing on more general aspects of C and C++ programming.[2]

In 2006 he published The C++ Standard Library Extensions: A Tutorial and Reference, a book covering the new functions and components proposed as extensions to the C++ Standard Library in C++ Technical Report 1.


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