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PathScale EKO Compiler
Developer(s) PathScale Inc.
Initial release 2003
Stable release 3.2.99 / October 1, 2009; 472322645 ago
Operating system Linux
Type Compiler

PathScale Inc. is a company that develops a highly optimizing compiler for the x86-64 microprocessor architectures. It derives from the SGI compilers for the MIPS R10000 processor, called MIPSPro. PathScale was originally founded in 2001 as Key Research and its original mission was to develop clustered Linux server solutions based on a low-cost 64-bit design. In late 2003 the company came out of stealth mode and was called PathScale. The word PathScale is descriptive of the companies original design goals for clusters. In early 2003 with the success of the AMD Opteron efforts at the company switched to other products like high-performance 64-bit compilers. One might say the seeds of the company were sown over 20 years ago at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Four of the company's seven founders all worked together building the S1 supercomputer back in the early 1980s. The first Chief technical officer at PathScale, Dr. Tom McWilliams, had the initial idea for the company and incorporated in July 2001. He added three of his LLNL colleagues (Jeff Rubin, Jeff Broughton, Dr. Fred Chow) to the company shortly thereafter. Tom McWilliams had been a company founder at Valid Logic and Key Computer and has worked at SGI, Sun and Amdahl. Dr. Chow was formerly chief scientist for compilers at SGI and MIPs and is recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on compiler technology.

Contents of the PathScale Compiler Suite

  • C, C++, and Fortran 77/90/95/2003(partial) compilers
  • Complete support for OpenMP 2.5 (including WORKSHARE)
  • Complete support for 64-bit and 32-bit x86 compilation
  • Code generation for AMD64 ABI, AMD Opteron, and Intel EM64T
  • Optimized AMD Core Math Library
  • Advanced serial debugger — PathDB
  • Compatible with GNU/gcc tool chain and popular Third Party debuggers
  • Supported on SUSE, RedHat, and Fedora Linux


Further reading


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