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Type Subsidiary
Founded January 2005
Headquarters San Francisco
Industry Internet information providers
Products User generated content
Parent Yahoo!

MyBlogLog is a social network for the blogger community that is based in part on interactions facilitated by a popular web widget that many members install on their blog.[1] Bloggers sign up for free accounts on MyBlogLog and can initiate a blog community for one or more blogs they author. Other registered members can subscribe to these communities, effectively bookmarking them for future reading and sharing them with their own contacts. Bloggers can then display widgets on their sites which show MyBlogLog online community members who have recently visited their page. These widgets also contain links to visiting members' community pages, and are one way in which users connect with one another. All members can see certain basic information about how many people visit their blog, what links they clicked and where they come from. Members may also view more extensive information about traffic on their site for a monthly fee.

MyBlogLog communities revolve around an individual blog registered by that blog's author. These communities have anywhere from a few to thousands of members. Communities that are particularly popular, have the most members or that are brand new are featured on the MyBlogLog Communities page. Members can also find communities via searches for key words or tags.

MyBlogLog members are displayed and searchable in a largely similar fashion to MyBlogLog communities. Featured, popular and new members are displayed on the MyBlogLog members page. Users can also search for members and get a sense of who they are by seeing which communities they are a member of and what tags have been associated to their profile by the MyBlogLog community.

MyBlogLog was originally developed by Cloudspace— an Orlando, Florida web applications development shop. It was acquired in January, 2007 by Yahoo for slightly more than 10 million dollars and with over 45,000 blogs subscribed at the time.[2]. Currently, MyBlogLog averages approximately 22 million visits to pages with MyBlogLog widgets each day, and the site has over 275,000 registered members.[3]


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