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MIDletPascal is an Object Pascal compiler and IDE specifically designed to create software for mobiles. It generates Java bytecode that runs on any J2ME device. In September 2009, Niksa Orlic, who wrote MIDlet pascal, transmitted the source code to the Russian Boolean.name development community for feature development. MIDlet Pascal is now open-source, and hosted at SourceForge.


  • generates low-level, small and fast Java bytecode
  • full Pascal specification support
  • parts of code can be written directly in Java
  • SMS messaging
  • HTTP connectivity
  • user-interface (forms) support
  • multimedia support
  • user-friendly IDE

Hello World

Because it runs on mobiles that don't have a console, the hello world of MIDletPascal is quite different from a normal Pascal hello world.

program HelloWorld;
begin DrawText ('Hello, World!', 0, 0); Repaint; Delay(2000); end.

Issues with Anti-virus

Current versions of certain anti-virus (Norton, McAfee, ...) see any class file generated by MidletPascal as being a virus, "Trojan. Redbrowser.A", and automatically quarantine the suspected file.

This may be a false positive, because the RedBrowser trojan was written using the MidletPascal tool (see Notes from McAfee).

It seems antiviruses look for some specific class into the jar package. Using an obfuscator as JShink the midlet won't match with the AV dictionary.

See also

External links


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