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Jenuity is a lightweight development environment (IDE) for Java. It is developed in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and Solaris and it free to download and use. Jenuity is a lightweight development environment designed for use in intermediate level programming courses. A paper on Jenuity was presented at the 13th annual conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education in Madrid in 2008 [1].

Jenuity was developed and maintained by Martin van Tonder while a postgraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). Originally developed in 2003, and used internally at NMMU, Jenuity was released on the web for the first time in 2008.[2]

Jenuity provides the following features:

-Efficient compilation of Java source code (Java compiler runs within the same process as the IDE, significantly reducing compile times compared to Java IDEs not implemented in Java).

-Word completion for words in the same file and in imported Java packages.

-Reflection-based code completion (does not support all cases).

-Open, edit, compile and run Java source files without having to create a project (even if source files within a package structure).

-A basic visual interface builder for GUI prototyping (via File->New (Wizard)).

-Syntax highlighting for Java source code.

-Source code template shortcuts for commonly typed code e.g. System.out.println, public, String (loosely modeled on those of Netbeans).

-Text scaling (via control key and mouse scroll wheel).

-Integrated search toolbar supporting regular expressions.

-A list of methods for navigation within the current source file.

-(Very) Limited support for Scala (edit, compile, run; requires SCALA_HOME to be defined. This particular feature has only been tested in Windows so far, but may work on other platforms).

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