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For the Saint, see Giovanni da Capistrano. For the Italian city, see Capistrano (VV).
Original author(s) Jamis Buck
Stable release 2.4.3 / June 28, 2008
Written in Ruby
Operating system POSIX (Linux, OpenBSD, Mac OS X)
Type Deployment Tool
License MIT

Capistrano is an open source tool for running scripts on multiple servers; its main use is deploying web applications. It automates the process of making a new version of an application available on one or more web servers, including supporting tasks such as changing databases.

Capistrano is written in the Ruby language and is distributed using the RubyGems distribution channel. It is an outgrowth of the Ruby on Rails web application framework, but has also been used to deploy web applications written using other frameworks, including ones written in PHP.

Capistrano is implemented primarily for use on the bash command line. Users of the Ruby on Rails framework may choose from many Capistrano recipes; e.g. to deploy current changes to the web application or roll back to the previous deployment state.

Originally called SwitchTower, the name was changed to Capistrano in March 2006 because of a trademark conflict.

The original author, Jamis Buck, announced on February 24, 2009 that he is no longer the maintainer of the project.[1]


Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple Domain Specific Language borrowed in part from the tool rake. Rake is similar to make in the C world and allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles. It also supports tunneling connections via some gateway machine to allow operations to be performed behind VPNs and firewalls.

Capistrano was originally designed to simplify and automate deployment of web applications to distributed environments, and originally came bundled with a set of tasks designed for deploying Rails applications. The deployment tasks are now (as of Capistrano 2.0) opt-in and require clients to explicitly put "load ‘deploy’" in their recipes. [2]

Further reading


External links


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