Bump (Internet)

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To bump a thread on an Internet forum is to post a reply to it purely in order to raise the thread's profile. This will typically return it to the top of the list of active threads. It has been suggested that "bump" is an acronym of "bring up my post",[1] however this is almost certainly a backronym and the usage is entirely consistent with the verb "bump" which means "To knock to a new position".[2] It can also be used in personal messages (PMs) or instant messages (IMs) on the Web, to return an older message to the top of the list.


Many Internet forums show as their first page a list of the 20–50 topics or "discussion threads" most recently posted to. Someone wishing to keep a thread on this first page, or bring an old thread back to it will post a reply to it purely to do this. If one is open about this, the post may simply be the word "bump".


Thread bumping is commonly considered a breach of netiquette and some moderated forums forbid it. Users may get around that by posting what is ostensibly a genuine reply. Sometimes this will mockingly contain the word "bump" in it, such as "Wandering the forum, he bumps into this thread...", or be a trivial question or response such as "Anyone?" Bumping old or inactive ("dead") threads is occasionally called "necroposting" or "thread necromancy", and the bumped posts referred to as "frankenposts". "Dead" threads that are reawakened are often called "thread necros". People who resurrect old threads are often called "threadomancers". On some boards, bumping a new thread with no replies in order to elicit a response is tolerated, but resurrecting an old thread that has run its course and has been inactive for a period of time (usually anywhere from a few days to a month) is prohibited.

A new posting in an old thread that has substantial new thoughts on the discussed topic, while still usually described as thread bumping, is not commonly considered as a breach of netiquette.

Sticky threads

Many forums now have features allowing administrators to make a thread "sticky", meaning that the thread will remain at the top regardless of the time of the latest entry.[3]


External links

nl:Bumpen ru:Некропост sv:Bumpning

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