TrustRank checker
Trust rank checker is a free webmaster service for checking a site trustrank. It shows the correct Trustrank of your website.
Our TrustRank(sm) checker checks the trust of your site using 1000 point system (from 0.00 to 10.00). The higher your trustrank, the higher the authority of your site and so you can get the TOP positions in the search engines more easily.
Recently we developed the SEO analysis service, which determines many website characteristics, including TrustRank described here. So, while checking your website, you'll be redirected to SEO analysis result page, which also includes the TrustRank value.
Attention, results with www. and without www. can significantly differ.
Note, check results are stored in a database. So, you can monitor the historical data on the TrustRank graphs.
What does TrustRank(sm) mean?
You can easily check our TrustRank checker by comparing the sites that you know very well. The more authoritative website will always have higher TrustRank.
Here are our hints for the TrustRank values(sm).
- TrustRank(sm) more than 3 tells about good trust of the site in search engines.
- TrustRank(sm) from 4 shows very good confidence of the site.
- TrustRank(sm) more than 5 means that your site has excellent trust in the search bots.
TrustRank explanation by Matt Cutts
TrustRank Explained
What is TrustRank?
The TrustRank formula is a procedure to rate correctly the quality of websites. The central idea is related to the PageRank method - taking the linking structure to generate a measure for the quality of a page. The process can be seen as a auxiliary improvement of the PageRank method.
The main point of the algorithm is the collection of trusted webpages. Such pages are the source of trust. Trust can be assigned to other page by linking to them.
A lot of Web spam webpages are created just with the purpose of confusing search bots. These pages, primarily produced for business reasons.
Page Rank and related methods for determining the relation of weight of Web pages have been subjected to manipulation.
TrustRank consists of the following parameters:
- Age of the site. The older the better.
- Unique content. Nobody need copies.
- Site updating. Fresh pages attract more users.
- Number of pages indexed.
- Website Traffic. The more visitors the higher trustrank.
- Backlinks. Not only quantity but and quality of backlinks is very important.
- And so on... There are a lot of other trustrank parameters.
To get more info about TrustRank, read the following articles:
- TrustRank explanation from Wikipedia.
- TrustRank & the Company You Keep. Aaron Wall writes about TrustRank and how some high PageRank sites may have low trust scores.
- Combating Web Spam with TrustRank. By Zoltan Gyongyi, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jan O. Pedersen.
- Pagerank Vs Trustrank. Trustrank and Pagerank comparison.
- Page Rank V/s Trust Rank. Real SEO Ranking Factor.
- What is Google Trust Rank. Does it really exist?
- TrustRank concepts. Time for another look at TR.
You can discuss this tool on the SEO forum, in the TrustRank checker topic.