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New business idea 'personalized t-shirt'

Started by ismailbayar, 09-08-2019, 13:08:40

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ismailbayarTopic starter

Hello there,
I have a web page called https://www.tisortfab.com/
I want to improve this web page and make more turnover.
can you give me an idea?


As far as the convergence of marketing and technology is concerned, an app does so much. Every budding business person or tech enthusiast has thought about creating a mobile application that captures the zeitgeist. I recommend to definitely create web based application for your business.


Selling shirts is not hard and while everyone and their grandma is doing it now, not everyone is doing it right. If you take the extra time to do the small things, you can get started and profit from T-shirts in 2021.




First create a good logo design and product design for your business.
https://www.logoorbit.com/ see their work
hello mark here from New York ...recently I completed college and working in a company Logo orbit as Marketing Agent.


There is heavy competition in marketing for T-shirts.I suggest you to if you want to make a balance with your competitor you must have to build your website like a pro means creating a good logo design and web design may help you to market your business well with your competitor...Thankyou

hello mark here from New York ...recently I completed college and working in a company Logo orbit as Marketing Agent.


Do on page SEO and then do marketing of your site.

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