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Need VPS advice

Started by Herstin, 03-27-2015, 04:51:42

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HerstinTopic starter

I have wordpress site with 250000 UV monthly. Not to much plugins
No big peaks and max user in same time is about 350.
Site have about 1000 pages, mostly text and pictures. Also some add delivery by adsense.
Please can someone recommend proper VPS resource. And some good provider in Europe...
Do you know anything about Thcservers.com and Vpsnine.com - how are their vps hosting services?

'Dream' as if you'll live forever..Live as if tomorrow is last one...


try OVH or ramnode Netherland


For such a huge visitor on website, you will always need to go for a dedicated server where you will be provided with more bandwidth than cheap VPS plans. You can compare their services in various web hosting forums and review sections to know more about the reliability and stability of their services and their support staff.


I would better choose vpsnine.com if I were you. Use code REPZ15 for a 15% discount on first time orders.
You may notice many different kinds of web hosting companies and all of them are top of their quality.


I've been using qualityhostonline.com for over 8 months and I've only had minor issues with them.
I must say I've saved good money and the hosting has been rock solid, fast.


Why not to choose ssd vps? it is 10x faster than regular hosting.
Kvchosting.com will work fine for your needs. 50% OFF First Month with COUPON: "SSDVPS"
They have top-notch customer service, responding to trouble tickets immediately and consistently.

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