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What is Reverse SEO?

Started by printersupportuk, 02-10-2017, 23:28:47

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printersupportukTopic starter

Hello friends can you explain me what is Reverse SEO..?


Reverse SEO is the practice of taking actions for decreasing the rank of a page or website in Google and other search engine pages. Reverse SEO may be used for penalyzing competition websites. It is then called negative SEO and the practice presents legal risks.

Thank you!

Happy to help you.


Regular SEO is the process of optimizing a so that they rank better (or higher) on Google Search Results.

Reverse SEO, on the other hand, is the process of pushing a negative or unwanted search engine result off the first page and as far back on Google SERPs as possible.


Reverse Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process by which a web page is pushed down, or suppressed, in search engine results. In online reputation management, Reverse SEO is used to bury negative results on Google Search.


Reverse SEO is the practice of taking actions for decreasing the rank of a page or website in Google and other search engine pages. Reverse SEO may be used for penalyzing competition websites. It is then called negative SEO and the practice presents legal risks.

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