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What is HTTPS/SSL Update...?

Started by Ruhikhan862, 07-14-2017, 00:09:12

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Ruhikhan862Topic starter

Hello Friends,

What is HTTPS/SSL Update...?


HTTPS stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure", most commonly known as HTTP over SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, which is standard security technology.

You can move your website from HTTP to HTTPS address by installing SSL certificate. Just you need to decide what type of SSL certificate is suited to your business.

When SSL certificate installed on your web server all your communications between web browser and web server are authenticated & encrypted.

Neel Patel

There are three meaning of HTTPs/SSL update. Before going furthur let's see its full form:

HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
SSL - Secure Sockets Layer

In term of search engine: It gives boost in the search enigne ranking as per this update. HTTPS as a ranking signal And you can also see https results in search engine ranking because they give most preference to https websites.

In term of browser warning: Most browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox are giving warning as indicator 'non secure' for non secure website whcih are on http.

In term of its own version: With the time, version of SSL/TLs is changing. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the updated version of SSL.


HTTPs/SSL update refers to the boost in search rankings if your web pages are https, instead of http. If your webpages contain form submission and don't have https, then browsers like chrome & firefox will also show a warning that your page is not secure.

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