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Leaving My Link From This Site.

Started by mikepw78, 11-03-2011, 04:26:50

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mikepw78Topic starter

Hi there
I am new to the site and have what will hopefully be a fairly simple question for you guys to help me with.
There is a blog that when people are leaving comments on its various subjects can manage to leave a link to their own site in the name column. I thought it was a case of the <a href> tag that was helping people do this however i think am doing something wrong.
The Blog is  http://newscliptv.com/living/3013.html
Mine is the failed attempt at the top of the comments (its not my site but was just trying to test it) you can see the code i have used to try and make this happen but its simply not having it. When looking at the pages source it seems to have changed my code to be put in a <strong> tag for some unknown (to me) reason.
I know that there is probably some simple explanation but its hurting my head trying to figure it out and I need another pair of eyes to have a look for me. I think I have come to a point of not being able to see the woods because of the trees kind thing.
Thank you in advance

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