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Help for keyword rankings

Started by pehlavoon, 12-16-2011, 11:50:36

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pehlavoonTopic starter

Hey everyone,

I've been trying to rank "Medical Tourism" for PassportMedical.com and have done good (google.ca search results(2nd page 2nd or 3rd spot)). However getting on the first page seems to be a little challenge. I looked at some of the competing sites and not only do they not have the keyword present on their ranking page but they don't have as many quality back links. Passport Medical ranks better for page authority and domain authority and the home page is optimized for Medical Tourism.

For example magellangh.com has the 9th spot but I can not figure out to the life of me why they are ranking so high without even having medical tourism in the content.

I hope I can get some help with this.

Thanks for anything that might help. I'll let everyone know how its doing if I change my efforts based on this forum posting.


It's just proven that the competition is very stiff. I have checked your keywords in adwords and also checked the exact competition number in SERP. It was 8,320,000 exact number. So it's quite difficult to get your keywords on top.

About your competitors, they were able to beat the competition because perhaps they have a good SEO plan for their websites. And to tell you, they will not allow anyone to track their footprints.

So you need to have a good plan to beat them.


To improve keyword ranking do properly SEO for your website. If want to improve keyword ranking fast do social bookmarking submissions on high PR websites. Also do article submissions on good page rank websites.


For ranking you need to have some patience. Do some good quality directory submission, article submission,keyword submission, commenting, but make sure where you are doing submissions should be of good quality and should not contain bad words.


To develop keyword ranking do properly SEO for your website. If want to develop keyword ranking position fast do social bookmark submitting syndication on high PR internet sites. Also do article syndication on good pr internet sites.

newbielink:http://www.cpa-outsourcing.com/ [nonactive]
newbielink:http://www.cpa-outsourcing.com/ [nonactive]

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