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php/html validation

Started by FoxWildboar, 01-11-2012, 05:40:48

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FoxWildboarTopic starter

Hey there. I am working on the SEO for a site which I didn't build, and the site was built in php. for each page, there is a php file with all of the standard html code, and an html file that simply points to the php files. That is all fine and dandy, but my issue is w3c validation:

the php url's validate fine, but the html files don't (they don't have any character encoding, doctype, or markup)... just a meta tag which reads (for the index, for example):

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0 url=http://www.***.com/index.php" />

so,, in the interest of SEO, is this debilitating my site? Does the html file need to validate if they redirect to php? (I'm an SEO newb, heck i'm a front end design guy, just trying to learn )


they must have all the tags and markups indeed.It may effect at server side.


Yes you need to validate the redirected html file otherwise it will show effect on your SEO.


html validation is must but it may effect the require design So be careful also need to say that always close the tags which are closing tags otherwise it enhances w3c validation errors.Developers generally forget this thing but you must not forget this for best SEO practices


I've tested all exploits I know on HTML Purifier and it did very well. It filters not only HTML, but also CSS and URLs.
Once you narrow elements and attributes to innocent ones, the pitfalls are in attribute content – javascript: pseudo-URLs (IE allows tab characters in protocol name - java&#09;script: still works) and CSS properties that trigger JS. bye the way , if you want to learn PHP then contact at training-sscsworld.com .




<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0 url=http://www.***.com/index.php" />

the code you have written above has unclosed quotes


I generally preferred PHP language as it offers different functionality like no need to pay behind its use of components and it has open source nature.

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