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Picture Background Question

Started by Seofinder, 04-21-2010, 15:05:59

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SeofinderTopic starter

Hello, just a general question. How do you make an image blend properly on any background (such as removing the white area or other parts of picture).

I want to be able to take a picture of a person - with the person only and put it on an ebook cover or header for example.


Theres no simple solution you can use filters and lasso tool in adobe photoshop for instance but both require to manually edit the photo in order to get a very good result. Ie manually going around the person and cutting out the image or using filters if possible to extract the image then refine that further manually.

It takes a a lot of work to get perfect high quality results and you need to be somewhat skilled with graphics programs


you use, magic wand tool. that would be the right tool to use, but in order to refine edges, you must zoom and erase it manually .:)

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