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What Is The Difference Between SEO And SEM?

Started by jaysh4922, 08-12-2015, 00:47:50

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jaysh4922Topic starter

What is the difference between SEO and SEM?


SEO is an unpaid method of promoting a website or business using its On page and Off page techniques. But, In SEM which is a paid method of advertising. It is done by using Google Adwords campaign like PPC and PPM.


In SEO you can use both Free and Paid websites to promote your website, in SEM Paid advertising methods are available.
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SEO is just a factor of SEM. You know what ;D SEM includes SEO and PPC.
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SEO is a process that effect on changing, modifying your web design, editing your content and promoting your site by increasing the number of inbound and outbound links, whereas SEM is a process that works on target paid listing, it is used for attracting millions of customers to your site! The main difference between these two terms is that SEO is simply a component of SEM!


The difference between SEO and SEM is simply that Search Emgine Optimization is part of search engine marketing or Search marketing as it is widely known. Both processes aim in increasing visibility in search engines.  SEO is about optimizing the web property to get better rankings in the search results while SEM goes beyond SEO. It involves other methods as wel which can get you more search engine visitors like PPC advertising.


SEO is unpaid search engine promotion technique and SEM is paid search engine promotion technique.


I want to share with the best information in one site! So, SEO and SEM are two terms that are frequently used interchangeably for tools that get more traffic to a site by making it search engine friendly. Internet marketing is still in its infancy with lots of new technologies developing every few days to make a site search engine friendly to improve its ranking. Both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) may look like performing the same function, but in effect SEO is a much broader term and SEM is a subset of SEO. Let us see the differences between the two terms. Also, you can watch more detail at http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-seo-and-sem/!

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