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Changing Hosts and SEO

Started by seltaeb, 03-01-2019, 21:35:41

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seltaebTopic starter

Hi. I have a website at www.axiommusic.com.au which is ranking really well. The main reason it is ranking well is because of the blogs I have created with specific keywords and phrases. We are on page one for most of the keywords.

Now the company that I have the website with, NETO (an Australian ecommerce company), has jacked up it's monthly fee over 700% which is unacceptable. I am comfortable with Wordpress and plan to create a new website with Wordpress and point the original domain address to the new site. I also plan to recreate all the current high rating blogs with exactly the same URLs.

My question is will this have any negative impact on my rankings? Will google still see the URLs as being the same, despite being on a different host? Are there any specific things I should watch out for or be careful of? I don't want to risk losing my page one rankings. Thank you


If all of the URLs and content remain the same... being on a new host will not matter.
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Changing hosting companies will usually not impact your SEO. But keep in mind that you should choose carefully. If the new hosting has issues like going down twice a day. Then yes, you will have problems. Website loading speed, for example, is also an issue that you should avoid. Lowering the overall loading speed of your website can lead to user experience issues. Then comes the drop in traffic and so on.

I use a helpful tool that is free and is called Uptime Robot (you can Google it and find it easily). You can easily spot if the website is going down daily.

And for the speed. Just use Google Insights or Pingdom to look for any issues with loading speeds.

Hope this helps.


In the event that the majority of the URLs and substance continue as before than being on another host won't make any difference.

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