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Takprosto.cc SEO audit

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takprosto.cc value - 149297$ takprosto.cc Trust Rank - 6.34 takprosto.cc Real PageRank - 6.04 takprosto.cc - Alexa10589/PageRank0 takprosto.cc - X4,450 Ifnormers for takprosto.cc

Takprosto.cc statistics

Website: takprosto.cc takprosto.cc
Site geolocation: Ukraine, Винницкая Область, Винница
Host name: mail.allsimple.cc
DNS servers: jerry.ns.cloudflare.com (, carla.ns.cloudflare.com (
Server type: nginx
Software: PHP/7.4.14
CMS, scripts... : WordPress , Yandex Metrika , jQuery
Registration date: 17-08-2014 (10 years, 116 days ago)
Expiration date: 17-08-2022 (-3 year, -117 day left)
Registrar: Key-Systems GmbH
ISP: ON-LINE Ltd (UA), Email

Info about takprosto.cc

Site title (48 chr.): Так Просто! - Советы, которыми стоит поделиться!
Description (34 chr.): Советы, которыми стоит поделиться!
Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): вдохновение советы (4, 0.46), посмотреть запись (3, 0.35), ретроградный меркурий (2, 0.23), завтрак кабачков (2, 0.23), карло понти (2, 0.23), комнатные растения (2, 0.23), про женскую (2, 0.23)
Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): главная советы кулинария (2, 0.23), сколько жарить котлеты (2, 0.23), вдохновение здоровье видео (2, 0.23), хоть носят чуть (1, 0.12), универсальная вещь должна (1, 0.12), вызывать никаких сомнений (1, 0.12)
Content: Headings (44), Links (127), Images (34), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages.
Encoding: Server - UTF-8, Document (real) - utf-8, Document (declared) - utf-8

Safety, takprosto.cc directories presence

Advisory by McAfee: Site takprosto.cc is safe. Check...
Google safe browsing: Website takprosto.cc is not currently listed as suspicious. Recheck...
Yandex safety: Site takprosto.cc is not infected. Check...
Dr.Web: Check...
Web archive: Absent
Yandex catalog: No

Takprosto.cc ratings

Website estimated worth $149,297.00 takprosto.cc worth - $149,297.00
Real PageRank of takprosto.cc 6.04/10 takprosto.cc Real PageRank - 6.04
TrustRank(sm), site authority 6.34/10 TrustRank(sm) for takprosto.cc - 6.34
Alexa Ranking 10,589 takprosto.cc - Alexa 10,589/PageRank0
Yandex IKS 4,450 takprosto.cc - yX4,450
Informers and Widgets for Takprosto.cc
takprosto.cc worth - 149297
takprosto.cc real pagerank - 6.04
Trust Rank of takprosto.cc - 6.34
takprosto.cc - Alexa10589/PR0
takprosto.cc - yX4,450/

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Real PR/TrustRank graphs

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yIKS/Site Value graphs

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Competitors of takprosto.cc


List of all (149) rivals [Show]:

takprosto.cc search engines & social media analysis

Indexed pages Incoming links 
Google documents:16,400 Alexa links:335
Bing:30 Bing references:20
Yandex pages:5,000 Yandex mentions:69,000
Social media   
Twitter:33Blogs, forums, images 
Facebook:2,826 Google blogs:Show
Delicious:Show Google images:Show
Google+1:12 Yandex blogs & forums:Show
LinkedIn:0 Yandex images:Show
Moi Mir:5 Yahoo! index:Check
   Outgoing links:Check
Site's code  Sticked sites:Check
Link checkerShow Google cache:Check
PageSpeed:Show Yandex cache:Check
HTML validation:33 errors, 3030 warnings Plagiarism detection:Check
CSS validation:Show Related sites:Check
MobileOK test:ShowDNS, Ping, WhoIs, TracerouteCheck
Uptime monitoring:Show WhoIs history:Here or There
Website Spellcheck:Show Yandex catalog links:Check

Geography & traffic of takprosto.cc

Visitors by country
Russia: 14.6% Ukraine: 11.5% Germany: 9.9% Azerbaijan: 7.1%
Netherlands: 4.9%    
Alexa traffic
Traffic of takprosto.cc
Data Type:

Data Range:


Google traffic
Traffic graph of takprosto.cc



takprosto.cc traffic Quantcast traffic for takprosto.cc

takprosto.cc backlinks, complex analysis

Links and site audit by Solomono
Indexed pages: 0
Same IP domains: 0
Site mirrors: 0
Referring domains: 0 (1CA: 0, 2CA: 0, 3CA: 0, 4CA: 0)
Referring subnets: 0
IP donors: 0
Incoming links: 0 (1CA: 0, 2CA: 0, 3CA: 0, 4CA: 0)
Incoming anchor texts: 0
Domains acceptors: 0
Outgoing links: 0 (1CA: 0, 2CA: 0, 3CA: 0, 4CA: 0)
Outgoing anchor texts: 0
IGood, donors coefficient: 0 / 00
Site spammy links: N/A
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO
External Backlinks: 95,119
Referring Domains: 1,280
Trust Flow: 19
Citation Flow: 31
Backlinks history (cumulative)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Referring domains history (cumulative)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ):

Summary stats of takprosto.cc

Incoming links to takprosto.cc (1000 rows)
Takprosto.cc serp positions (716 rows)
сырный пирог с ветчиной1767%91966044
как завязать платок на голове23535%n/a134480000
как завязывать платок на голову24435%n/a134480000
французский клафути2867%17532811711798.1860
упражнения для ровной спины38734%2562179348.566
куриное филе сюрприз41230%n/a1520000
как выровнять спину53425%267232179670.669
пирог клафути52525%30249208213.559
упражнения для красивой осанки55924%200141134486353
торт без выпечки75019%638162801427512120.4903
чистка духовки83119%31215421600
чебуреки под градусом81723%n/a990000

Current page links


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